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A Discussion with Mark Proksch from What We Do in the Shadows

Vampire comedy on FX concludes its sixth and last run on October 21st.

A Discussion with Mark Proksch from What We Do in the Shadows

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As What We Do in the Shadows graced our screens in 2019, a unique character stole the spotlight: Colin Robinson, the energy vampire. This glorious monster, who siphons energy instead of blood, was instantly recognizable yet never-before-seen on screen – a testament to the show's creative brilliance. The role is brilliantly brought to life by Mark Proksch, who recently spoke with io9 about the sixth and final season of the show.

Cheryl Eddy, io9: It seems the writers have a blast torturing your character; in just the first three episodes of season six, we witness a significant physical transformation and some rough handling. As an actor, what's it like when you see how mangled Colin Robinson is going to get in a particular episode?

Mark Proksch: Honestly, it feels great. It's already doing so much work for me. Any time my doughy, schlubby body is thrown around, it makes the scene funnier for both the writers and the audience. When I see those physical scenes coming up for Colin, I feel a little relieved because it means I won't have to overthink it.

io9: What was the most challenging scene you had to film?

Proksch: All the scenes blur together after a while. We film in Toronto in the middle of winter, often throughout the night, which makes outdoor scenes particularly grueling. But hey, at least we're all freezing together!

io9: We see a tender side to Colin this season. He's emotional, vulnerable, and even confesses he gets lonely. Do you think he's the most "human" of the vampires?

Proksch: Maybe, yeah. Colin interacts with humans on a daily basis, which is unlike the others. I also think he's more enlightened, as he doesn't go around killing people and instead prefers to drain them so he can return to them. His feelings can be hurt, but that's the curse of being an energy vampire – learning the limits of friendship.

io9: Your approach to pop culture is spot-on. Colin's clearly the most pop-culture savvy of the vampires, yet picks up on some bizarre stuff.

Proksch: That's usually a nod to my own interests and quirks. I'm a sponge for random, useless information, and I've been this way since I was a kid.

io9: Colin proves to be scientifically inclined; he's persistent and succeeds where Laszlo fails, but they take it all in stride. What's it about their friendship that keeps them so non-competitive?

Proksch: We've talked about it in passing, but neither Matt nor I are trained actors. We consider ourselves more like friends who happen to work together. The contrast between Laszlo's arrogant, boorish behavior and Colin's mild-mannered acquiescence creates an odd couple dynamic that works.

io9: Colin Robinson as an Uber driver is perfection, though it was odd it didn't happen earlier in the series. Did you draw from any real-life experiences for those scenes?

Proksch: Absolutely! I've always been a sponge for people-watching and absorbing their reactions. I grew up near a mall, where my brothers and I would entertain ourselves by bombarding people with odd questions and silly antics.

io9: This season gives us a glimpse into Colin's massive basement hideout, filled with file boxes. What's he hiding down there?

Proksch: I think it's journals of his past lives, which he consults every time he dies and starts anew. The set design team is truly fantastic, and I love the idea of Colin's secrets hiding behind his dingy walls.

io9: Season six has some hilarious moments, but which one has been your favorite so far?

Proksch: Honestly, it hasn't aired yet, but I'm really looking forward to a scene in an upcoming episode. I can't say more without giving anything away!

io9: What will you miss most about What We Do in the Shadows and playing Colin? It sounds like you made some lasting friendships there.

Proksch: Absolutely. The friendships hang out with a talented, confident group of people, which is rare these days. I'll miss the opportunity until hopefully the next time it comes up.

io9: Did you keep anything from the set?

Proksch: I kept some little mementos, like a rug or a file box with Colin's name on it. Plus, I snagged a few of Colin's journals and some Baby Colins. I have a Dunder Mifflin box from The Office too – it seems my characters always get lawyer's boxes!

What We Do in the Shadows season six premieres October 21 on FX, with episodes available the next day on Hulu.

Stay tuned for more news on the latest from Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek, as well as updates on the future of Doctor Who.

  1. The character of Colin Robinson, the energy vampire, from the show What We Do in the Shadows, was played by Mark Proksch and was instantly recognizable, showcasing the creative brilliance of the writers.
  2. In an interview with io9, Mark Proksch mentioned that he finds it relieving when physical scenes are planned for Colin Robinson in an episode, as it makes the scene funnier and does a lot of work for him.
  3. During the shooting of What We Do in the Shadows, Mark Proksch draws from his real-life experiences for scenes where Colin Robinson interacts with humans, like his role as an Uber driver.
  4. In the sixth and final season of What We Do in the Shadows, viewers will get a glimpse into Colin Robinson's massive basement hideout, filled with file boxes, hinting at the possibility of him keeping journals of his past lives.
Image: Russ Martin captures scenes for FX's production

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